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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Welcome back, Jay!

My 2nd oldest nephew "Jay" came home today from a two-year mission to Russia. My mother-in-law says he does have a Russian accent. (Not all missionaries that go to foreign lands come back with accents. Mira didn't, but he did have a tendency to slip into Spanish without realizing it.)
I don't think he'll remember who I am. When Mira and I got married, he was away at school. I think I saw him once, and that was when he came home for his farewell before he left to go to Russia. He'll also get to meet his oldest cousin's wife, who married into the family almost a year ago (sweet gal).
Anyway, congrats to Jay on an honorable mission, and welcome home!