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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mother in Prayer

On Christmas Day, I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for the birth of Their Son, Jesus Christ. I felt that including my Heavenly Mother was an appropriate thing to do, given the day. For a few while after, I even included Her in my personal prayers. But lately I haven't been. My prayers have a tendency to get rote very quickly, and I felt like I wasn't being true to my Mother. I can't really explain it any other way; just that I wasn't giving Her enough respect as the mother of my spirit.

We don't pray publicly to Her. Supposedly, we don't talk much about Heveanly Mother because we haven't had much revealed to us much beyond just the fact that She exists, which is true; but also because She's so sacred to Our Father that He doesn't want Her name dragged through the mud the same way His has been. That might be true, I don't know, but a thought similar to that came to mind today when I said my prayers this morning. I mentioned that I haven't been including Her, but that it was okay. I knew that She was listening anyway. I felt it then, and I feel it more now, writing this out.

She does exist! She loves us and listens to us. We may not know it, but She's there with Him, rooting for us when we excel and picking us up when we fall. I feel it was appropriate in my personal prayers to thank Her on Christmas Day, and I think I'll include Her when I feel it is appropriate. In the meantime, just knowing that She is listening anyway is comforting to me.